Kvietimas gauti paramą už gyvenamųjų namų modernizavimo darbus

Balandžio 20 d. startavo kvietimas teikti paraiškas kompensacinėms išmokoms gyvenamųjų namų modernizavimui. Per šią savaitę Aplinkos projektų valdymo agentūra (APVA) sulaukė 12 gyventojų prašymų paramai gauti. Prašoma lėšų suma sudaro 125,1 tūkst. eurų.

„Kviečiame gyventojus teikti paraiškas ir pasinaudoti šia finansavimo galimybe. Paraiškų lauksime iki gegužės 19 dienos. Primenu, jog jas galite pateikti tik per Aplinkos projektų valdymo informacinę sistemą (APVIS). Tai ypač patogu šiuo karantino laikotarpiu, nes viską atlikti galite iš namų“, – sako APVA Nacionalinių programų valdymo departamento direktorius Jonas Balkevičius.

Ketinantys modernizuoti savo gyvenamąjį namą ir pasinaudoti parama galės gyventojai, nuosavybės teise valdantys vieno ar dviejų butų gyvenamosios paskirties namą, kurio statyba yra užbaigta teisės aktų nustatyta tvarka ir įregistruota Nekilnojamojo turto registre (pastato baigtumo procentas nurodytas ne mažesnis kaip 100 proc.). Modernizavus namą bus privaloma pasiekti ne mažesnę nei B namo energinio naudingumo klasę ir sumažinti skaičiuojamosios šiluminės energijos suvartojimo sąnaudas ne mažiau kaip 40% lyginant su skaičiuojamosios šiluminės energijos sąnaudomis iki atnaujinimo (modernizavimo).

Finansuojamos bus tokios energijos vartojimo efektyvumo didinimo priemonės:

- stogo šiltinimas be stogo dangos keitimo;

-  stogo šiltinimas su stogo dangos keitimu;

- stogo perdangos šiltinimas su stogo dangos keitimu;

-  stogo perdangos šiltinimas be stogo dangos keitimo;

-  grindų ant grunto šiltinimas;

-  grindų virš rūsio šiltinimas;

-  sienų ir cokolio šiltinimas;

-  grindinio šildymo sistemos įrengimas;

-  radiatorių įrengimas;

-  esamų langų keitimas, gerinant šilumines patalpų charakteristikas;

- esamų lauko ir tambūro durų bei vartų keitimas, gerinant šilumines patalpų charakteristikas;

- centrinės rekuperacinės sistemos įrengimas

Maksimalus kompensacinės išmokos dydis vienam pareiškėjui sieks iki 14 500 Eur.

Kvietimą rasite ČIA.

Pagrindinis šių priemonių tikslas yra mažinti išmetamų šiltnamio efektą sukeliančių dujų kiekį ir taip prisidėti prie klimato kaitos švelninimo.


Šaltinis: apva.lt

Komentarai (315)

Jenda Andrej
The impact of Rewallet Coin Recovery on the Bitcoin recovery landscape has been profound and far-reaching. Rewallet Coin Recovery, a renowned expert in the field of cryptocurrency recovery, has single-handedly transformed the way the industry approaches the retrieval of lost or stolen Bitcoin. Their pioneering techniques and innovative strategies have unlocked new possibilities, providing hope and recourse to individuals and businesses who have fallen victim to the perils of the digital asset ecosystem. Rewallet, approach is marked by a meticulous attention to detail, a deep understanding of blockchain technology, and an unwavering commitment to achieving results. Through their tireless efforts, they have managed to recover millions of dollars' worth of Bitcoin, reuniting rightful owners with their digital wealth. This has had a ripple effect, inspiring confidence in the security and reliability of the Bitcoin network, and encouraging greater mainstream adoption. Moreover, Rewallet work has pushed the boundaries of what was once considered impossible, driving the development of more sophisticated recovery tools and methodologies. As the Bitcoin landscape continues to evolve, the influence of Rewallet Coin Recovery, will undoubtedly persist, shaping the future of cryptocurrency recovery and solidifying its place as an indispensable safeguard for those who entrust their digital assets to the blockchain. I was so happy when I turned to Rewallet Coin Recovery and I got the result I was expecting. It was a thing of life and death when my bitcoin wallet was hacked and my coins were no more. Rewallet Coin Recovery brought back my treasure. Contact email, ‎rewalletshieldcoinrecovery@​aol.com or WhatsApp::+1 (757) 332–1885
Andriamasina Lillyan
Jivo chat contact@cyber-tech-wizard.ltd Website https://cyber-tech-wizard.ltd WhatsApp +1 520552 9379 Don’t ask me how it happened, but one fateful day, I made the rookie mistake of mistaking my crypto wallet app for a game on my phone. I know, I know it sounds ridiculous, but in my infinite wisdom (or perhaps due to a caffeine-induced haze), I clicked around, convinced I was “unlocking achievements” and leveling up my digital life. What I really unlocked was my $350,000 Bitcoin wallet—right out of my reach. Talk about a plot twist I never saw coming! As the realization of my blunder sank in, panic set in. My heart raced faster than a toddler who’s just spotted a cookie jar. “What have I done?” I muttered to myself, my mind racing through all the worst-case scenarios. I frantically tapped on my phone, but my wallet was still locked tight, as if it had thrown a digital tantrum. With a sinking feeling in my stomach, I knew I had to act fast. I picked up the phone and called Cyber Tech Wizard , my last hope in this absurd situation. I half-expected them to burst into laughter at my ludicrous story. But to their credit, they didn’t laugh (at least not out loud). Instead, they approached my case with a calm professionalism that instantly put me at ease. “Don’t worry,” they assured me, “we’ve seen stranger things. "Their team dove into action, using their advanced forensic tools to unravel the mess I had created. It was like watching a magic show, only instead of pulling a rabbit out of a hat, they were extracting my funds from the depths of my blundering mistakes. In no time, they worked their magic and restored my access to my $350,000 Bitcoin wallet. I could hardly believe it! Once I regained access, I felt like I’d been handed a golden ticket to a treasure hunt. I couldn’t thank Cyber Tech Wizard enough for their expertise and patience in dealing with my ridiculous mix-up. As a precautionary measure, I promptly deleted all the games from my phone. I realized that my wallet deserves better than to be confused with a candy crush or a farming simulator. So, if you ever find yourself in a similarly absurd predicament, I highly recommend Cyber Tech Wizard . They turned my digital disaster into a success story, and I’m forever grateful to them for saving my sanity and my funds!

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